The Biggest Brand Strategy You Need for 2023

That’s right, we’ve got a big, if not the biggest, brand strategy that you really need for 2023. And it’s this:

Do not treat your business as a job.

You start the day full of emails and texts that are pending, those calls you should make, a to-do list that never ends… you have to post on social media, create marketing strategies, act successful, pay your bills, create new products or services, deliver, deliver, deliver. 

When was the last time that you actually took a decent amount of time to think about your business, observe the direction it’s taking, and be truthful to your needs by thinking if this is actually what you want? 

When was the last time that you put your business dreams on paper, without thinking about the obstacles? 

You know when is a great time to do that? Now.

You shouldn’t do your business planning and business “dreaming” in January 2023. 

On the contrary. You should start the next year ready to go. 

When we do branding and positioning with our clients, we help them reconnect with what made them create their business in the first place. We make a series of interviews and we ask very deep questions. This goes back to our own purpose and why KIAI was created 11 years ago. 

Start following your business dream now.

Branding is all about your core, your DNA, your company culture. If you don’t know where to start or this feels overwhelming, you could probably use the help. Hire good people to guide you and allow you to not only reconnect but to also put you back on track.

If you read all of this and you are an employee, my take is that you will feel your most professional fulfilling self when you treat your job as your own business and give this company and their clients your heart. I’m not talking about all of your time and energy, only a happy part of your heart that will lead your professional life with grace, joy, and fun. 

Allow yourself time to dream and to be positive. Negativity and fear will not actually take you anywhere. Remember that through the many ups and downs, you’ve made it this far. You got this.

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